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Friday, July 18, 2008

Running Cleveland Style

July 4th weekend I went "home" to Cleveland. It's a beautiful place to run, and I was looking forward to some nice dirt paths and dreamy hills and dales(if I knew what those were, I might not like them, but they sound nice..). I decided to try a group this time around, maybe to understand what a newcomer would feel coming to my team.

I chose one that runs in the Metroparks, thousands of miles of said hills and dales. I ran with a group called Southeast Running Club. I showed up at 8a.m. A nice man in his late 50's, early 60's introduced himself as John, the "Gabby" of the club. As his friends slowly arrived, I realized I was going to be the only woman and the only person under 60 years old, and also that these guys were old friends for 30+ years. It was slightly awkward, but the men were kind in allowing an outsider into their inner circle. And John kindly ran alongside me, a jog for him, a run for me. These guys were pretty darn fast!

Cheers! Gentlemen! You are an inspiration!

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